Thursday, September 1, 2016

Place Value

This week we have focused on place value and the relationships between two place values. The students have learned a lot of new vocabulary.

Compose - to join sets or numbers
Decompose - to break down sets or numbers into smaller sets or numbers
Value - the amount a digit is worth based on its place in a number
Digit - the symbols used to create a number (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)

At the beginning of the week we composed and decomposed numbers different ways. 

Later in the week we focused on place values past the thousands place. The students learned more about the thousands place, ten thousands place, and hundred thousands place. We even built ten thousands using place value blocks and pictures of place value blocks. We focused on the relationship of place values with their next door neighbor. For example: The tens place is 10 x larger than the ones place because ten ones create a ten. The hundreds place is 10x greater than the tens place and it takes ten tens to create one hundred. We focused on patterns and how to read larger numbers. I'm working on the students not saying the word "and" when they read a number. For example: 12,335 is read as "twelve thousand, three hundred thirty-five," NOT "twelve thousand, three hundred and thirty-five." This will help the students when they learn decimals in 4th grade. 

First, we started by creating ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten-thousands with blocks as a class. 

Then, I sent the students back to their seat to complete their "job." Each student was responsible for cutting it certain place value blocks and then as tables we constructed one thousand. As a class, we created a chart to show ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands. We did not create hundred thousands, but we talked a lot about them! 

This was the end result! I hung it on the wall after and we will use it as an anchor chart the rest of the year. 

It is so helpful to find real world examples of numbers in your every day life and point them out... Especially up to the hundred thousands place. We discussed real world connections, but pointing them out to your child will help make their learning more meaningful. Even sharing your thought process of doing mental math is helpful. For instance, when you go to the grocery store, share how you calculate the amount you are spending, share how you use mental math to find an estimate, etc. If you discuss these with your child encourage them to share what they discovered with me in class! 

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